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Products and Performances

Students will  work in groups utilizing available resources to evaluate evidence- based practice to create and present a public presentation that promotes patient safety.


Individual and group activities throughout this PBL module scaffold learning for students. These activities are assessed through formative and summative assessments.

Unit 1

Individual assessment:

Identify two strengths and weaknesses and include a resource that they can utilize to improve their weakness


Team assessment:

Construction of a collaborative team website

Creation of a team charter


Unit 2

Individual assessment:

Submission of a one-page summary of benchmark healthcare safety articles

Add one current safety research article to the classes Diigo group

Create a mindmap of safety issues present in healthcare


Team assessment:

Create a collaborative document to share safety concerns and brainstorm topic ideas

Submit one or two potential topic ideas to the instructor


Unit 3

Individual assessment:

Create a repository of identified health care agencies using a social bookmarking tool

Research five regulations or policies related to patient safety and add them to the group's website



Unit 4

Individual assessment:

Post a brief discussion to Blackboard that describes regulations and safety concerns related to respiratory care practice

Respond to two classmates discussion postings


Team assessment:

Create a one page summary of the group's patient safety concerns that identifies best practices and is supported by at least one evidence-based research article

Unit 5

Individual assessment:

Submit a 3-5 page summary evaluating their clinical institution's policy and or current practice against recommended practices


Team assessment:

Submit the topic of their safety issue with a written description of the concern, a copy of any institution policies and a summary of how this current practice impacts patient safety


Unit 6

Individual assessment:

Submit proof of completion for a five-part internet lesson (tutorial) on Quality Improvement


Team assessment:

Develop a quality improvement process for their identified safety concern (5 parts)

1. Submit an aim statement

2. Identify process, outcome and balancing measures

3. Explain how to use change concepts to formulate a hypothesis for testing

4. Describe how to implement testing on a small scale using PDSA cycle of QI process

*Students are encouraged to use a variety of tools to present this information



The project-based learning activity Respire for Better Care will culminate in a final visual presentation product that students will present collaboratively as a group. Initially, they will present to their peers and instructor and will receive feedback through assessments guided by rubrics.  The students will then present to their respective clinical affiliate sites.  

Unit 7

Individual assessment:

Each member of the group must orally present and answer questions for a portion of their group's presentation

Each member of the group will complete a peer evaluation submission form that assesses their group-work performance throughout the entire semester

Each student will evaluate the other groups' presentations using a rubric to guide their assessment


Team assessment:

Teams will produce a Web 2.0 visual presentation that they will orally present to their classmates and instructor; and their respective clinical affiliates

Each team will be assessed by their classmates and the instructor using a rubric to guide the assessments

*For more detailed information and active links to documents on the final project assessment visit the Assessment page of this website, a link is provided below


Reflection is an integral component of project-based learning and promotes sustained inquiry

The entry event is followed by a whole-class discussion to reflect on the information that was presented and discuss what they currently know about patient safety.  Each week students will reflect in an online learning log and respond to one peer. The learning log entries will include a description of what they learned, how they are going to use this new information and what further questions they now have.


A group participation survey driven by a rubric will evaluate group participation.  This assessment will be conducted midsemester in Unit 4 and again upon completion of the final project.  The initial evaluation will not be graded and will be used as a formative assessment to help groups identify and address any concerns early in the project.


The students will work in teams of 3 - 4 (depending on clinical group size).  These groups will periodically self-evaluate their progress and provide feedback for their teammates on activities before submission of the activity.


Post-Project Reflection is demonstrated by:

Students reflect on the project and teamwork by completing the project evaluation rubrics for their project and the teamwork evaluations again to assess their performance in the project.  

Students will collaborate with their instructors, to guide the inclusions of which components they would like showcased from their work throughout the semester.

Students will contribute a final reflection in their reflective learning logs describing how this experience has impacted their perspective on learning, professionalism, patient safety and what their future thoughts and plans are for each of these topics.

© 2016 by Amy Hogan  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.                                                                                                                                           

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