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Reflective learning log weekly entries:

Grading criteria: description of what they learned, how they are going to use this new information and what further questions they now have. Providing at least one reference to support what how why of their reflection. Respond to one teammate's learning log weekly.

Individual: (Formative & Summative Assessment)

Learning Log Self-Evaluation Rubric

Peer and Self-review Tool

Final Reflection Questions 


Unit 1 – Teamwork (PRE-ACTIVITY)

Individual Assessments: (Formative Assessments)

Identify two strengths and weaknesses you bring to the team.

Include one resource that you can utilize to improve one of your weakness.

Team Assessments:

Develop a Team Charter. (Formative Assessment)

Provide a link to your Team Collaboration site, i.e., (Redbooth, Edmodo) with a copy of your signed team charter. (Summative Assessment)


Unit 2- History of Safety in Healthcare (KNOWLEDGE)-FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT

Individual Assessments:

Submit a one-page summary of To Err is Human and the 5 Million Lives Campaign.  Use this rubric to guide your submission.

Add one current safety research article to Diigo.

Using a mind-mapping tool such as InstaGrok brainstorm patient safety issues in healthcare. Submit a screenshot of your mind map.

Team Assessments:

Create a collaborative document on your website to Share safety concerns that you have had during your clinical practice and facilitated brainstorm ideas for a topic for your safety improvement project. 

Submit one or two potential safety project topic ideas. (this can be changed later)


Unit 3- Governing agencies and current regulations/goals (KNOWLEDGE)- FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT

Individual Assessment:

Create a repository of identified Healthcare Regulatory Agencies using a social bookmarking tool, i.e., Pinterest, Pearltrees, Delicious, Papaly, etc. (include at least one respiratory agency) Share this resource with the rest of the class on Blackboard.

Individual Assessment:

Using the resources shared by your classmates, research five regulations or policies related to patient safety include at least one resource that is related to one of your project topic ideas.  Share what you found with your group on your group's website.


Unit 4- Identify regulations and policies that govern healthcare safety (COMPREHENSION) – FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT

Individual Assessment:

Describe briefly how these regulations and safety concerns are related to respiratory care practice. Post this to Blackboard discussion forum so that it is available for the entire class to review. (after participating in AARC connect discussion forum)

Respond to two classmate’s postings.  Cite at least one professional resource in you posting that supports your discussion.

Team Assessment:

Use a collaborative word document to create a one-page summary of your group's patient safety concerns, the recommended best practices (provide a link to the recommendation, ie. Agency document) and at least one evidence-based research article that supports this practice. (you can use the Diigo and social bookmarking resources)

Evaluate Teamwork mid-semester by completing the team assessment evaluation accessible here using the teamwork rubric available here. This assessment will be completed again at the end of the project.


Unit 5 – What are my institution's policies/procedures/Practices. (ANALYSIS)-FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT

Part 1

Team Assessment:

Compose a description of the current practice/policies and post to your website.

Individual Assessment:

Locate department and institution policies, interview staff to research for policies/procedures and practices that relate to your group's patient safety concern. Verbally share your findings with the class. (during class time) 

Part 2


Individual Assessment:

Each student provides a 3-5 page summary evaluating their clinical institution’s policy (if applicable) and or current practice with current safety goals/policies/best practices and research that relate to one of their groups identified patient safety concerns.

Team Assessment:

The team chooses the topic of their patient safety issue.

They submit a written description of the concern, a copy of any institution policies (if applicable) a description of the current practice and a summary of how this current practice impacts patient safety.

Unit 6- How can we improve safety (QI)-(SYNTHESIS)- FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT

Part 1

Individual Assessment:

Submit proof of completion for the 5 part Lesson for Quality improvement include a screenshot that shows your score for each module. You may repeat modules to obtain a higher score.

Part 2

Team Assessment:

Use the QI resources to develop a quality improvement process for your identified concern.

1.     Submit an aim statement for your safety issue.

2.     Identify process, outcome and balancing measures for your safety initiative.

3.     Explain how to use change concepts to come up with a robust hypothesis for testing.

4.     Describe how to implement testing on a small scale using the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle.

5.     Construct/revise a draft policy to drive institutional changes using references from the professional governing agencies and best evidence. Use this rubric to 

        guide your group's submission.


Individual Assessments: (TEAMWORK ASSESSMENT)

Describe your participation in the creation of the presentation. 

Evaluate each team member's participation using this peer evaluation form accessible here that is aligned with the Teamwork Rubric available here.


The presentation artifact and the effective team delivery of the presentation artifact.


Using technology resources develop a Web 2.0 based presentation that addresses the group’s safety concern.

     Include the quality improvement processes developed in the previous unit.

     Include references to professional resources guidelines, policies, and procedures.

     Include references to evidence-based practices. 

     Include information from your final reflection questions to be presented  and to construct questions about other's group projects

     Peer, Teacher & Community Stakeholder Presentation evaluation rubrics here.

Final Reflection


Students reflect on the project and teamwork by completing the project evaluation rubrics for their project and the teamwork evaluations again to assess their performance in the project.

Students will collaborate with the instructor to guide the inclusion of which components they would like showcased from their work throughout the semester.

Students will write in their reflective learning logs using the reflection questions from the beginning of the project to guide their final learning log entry.

Students will collaborate with instructors to determine what content will be presented at the celebration reception honoring their PBL work.

© 2016 by Amy Hogan  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.                                                                                                                                           

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