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A Project Based Learning (PBL) activity designed for community college respiratory care seniors.


The PBL learning module begins with the motivational introduction video you just watched.  

The video represents a real world authentic problem and is intended to engage students in answering the driving question:


"As Professionals how can we make healthcare safer for our patients using regulatory standards and evidence-based practice?"


Introduction Classroom Discussion Questions (WHAT THEY KNOW)

After watching the video have the class answer the following discussion questions:

1. What factors contributed or may have contributed to Josie King’s death?

2. Considering contributing factors, how could Josie’s death have been prevented?

3. What changes would you recommend to prevent a similar tragedy from occurring?

3. How could the hospital and its providers have given Josie's mother more power over how Josie was treated?

4. Put yourself in the shoes of one of the clinicians who cared for Josie. How would you have reacted when her mother said, “You

    did this to her, and now you must fix her”?

5. As a clinician, what are specific things you can do to make patients feel respected and included in decisions about their

    healthcare? (Josie, 2016)


How can we make healthcare safer for our patients, and how can I accomplish this in a professional, ethical and evidence- based manner? (What they need to know)


Developing a Team Mindset (PRE-ACTIVITY)

  1. How can we work as part of a team to achieve better patient care?

    1. How do we get started with TEAMWORK and Process Improvement?

    2. What tools and resources will we need use to collaborate on this project?

      • Where will we obtain our information (internet, school, hospital, staff, patients)

      • How will we communicate our information with each other?



PBL Unit on Safety in Healthcare  (items in parenthesis are intended for instructors)

  1. What is the current evidence about the safety of healthcare in the US? (Research/History)

    1. What is our performance compared to other developed nations? (To Err is Human, 5 Million Lives)

    2. Are these safety issues potentially present in our institution?

  2. Who regulates or oversees safety in healthcare? (Internet Search)

    1. What are the safety issues and goals set by the agencies that govern healthcare quality and safety? (IHI, CDC, Joint Commission, AHRQ, FDA, AARC)

    2. How can they be applied to the practice of respiratory care?

  3. What are the identified patient safety concerns in healthcare? (Research)

    Hint: NPSGs, Regulations, Initiatives
  4. What evidence exists on how to deal with these matters? (Internet Search/Research)

    1. What is the evidence-based research indicate? 

    2. Does this differ from our institution's current practice?

  5. How are these current concerns being addressed? (Policy and Procedure)

    1. Are there policies, procedures, regulations, institution goals?

    2. Are these goals aligned with safety regulations and initiatives?

    3. What does my professional organization recommend?

  6. What are the industry standards and best practices related to patient safety and quality? (Evaluate Current Practice)

    1. What are leading organizations doing to address patient safety?

    2. Is improvement needed at these other institutions?

  7.  What are our current practices/policies on these topics/issues? (Research current practice)

    1. Are our hospital policies and procedures aligned with these best practices?

    2. What changes could be made?

  8. What patient safety concerns can I identify at my institution?

    1. Are these concerns similar/different than the concerns we have researched?

    2. Are the safety issues related to a policy, procedure or practice?

    3. What would be the benefit to addressing these safety concerns?

    4. How are/could patients be harmed?

    5. How do you think that your concerns could be addressed?

    6. Who is involved? Who are the stakeholders? Who needs to know?

  9. How can I improve patient safety at my institution? (QI)

    1. What is Quality Improvement in Healthcare?

    2. Where can I locate quality improvement resources? (governing safety agencies)

    3. Does our institution have resources for QI initiatives? 

      1. What are the current QI projects at my institution?

  10. How can our team raise awareness to the identified concerns at our clinical affiliate site?

    1. How can we share what we have learned?

    2. Who needs to know?

    3. When and where should we present the information?

    4. Who needs to be involved?

Dig Deeper

  1. How can I further my knowledge of processes related to quality and patient safety?

As Professionals how can we make healthcare safer for our patients using regulatory standards and evidence-based practice? 
A Campaign for Patient Safety 

Available in a downloadable word document


1. Josie King Foundation [Website] 2016. Retrieved May 22, 2016 from

© 2016 by Amy Hogan  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.                                                                                                                                           

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